Monday, October 3, 2011

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Photography is the way we remember the great events and milestones of our lives.  Have you ever walked into a friends home and stared at all the family photos plastered to their refrigerators?  Facebook is just a small example of how fixated we all are on photographic memories.  Our cell phone takes pictures, our cameras are tiny.  Everything gets documented these days.  Excuse me, but we are even posting pictures of our food at restaurants on facebook!!

The problem is, that along with the convenience of everything having a camera on it, comes really poor quality photos.  Sometimes, we tend to loose sight of how great, really good photography is.

October is Breast Cancer awareness month.  I was thinking that maybe by making people aware again of the value of investing in quality photography as art in our home, we can all make a little difference in even  bigger way.  So for the entire month of October, I will donate $50 from every session fee to Breast Cancer Research.

I figure it's worth the investment all the way around!  Call me today for your October photo session and together, we can help make a difference.

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